Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rule Violations From the First War, Advice For Your Attacks

In the first war, we had quite a few rule violations:

Improper War Bases:
See the Base Guidelines page for things to correct about war bases. Well over half of the clan fell under this category. If this issues remain unaddressed for too long, I will start kicking the offenders, although I'll wait several more wars before I start kicking people for war base design.

  1. skunkfunker
  2. DroidFreak (forgot to change it from troll design. XD)
  3. Andrew
  4. Fortebari
  5. DastardlyDragon
  6. EditedSpoon100
  7. E174Ymk2
  8. Ptony TJ Rufus
  9. shrek
  10. GeorgeElmassih
  11. Peter
  12. brendan
  13. Shwa
  14. ashdyn
  15. v.39
  16. Reaper
  17. The Best
  18. Tookie
  19. [insert name I can't type here]
  20. mario
  21. Kevin Lim
  22. ahmad
  23. [insert other name I can't type here]
  24. The Kolk
  25. TheKing_Devil
Unused War Attacks:
The clan rules require all members to use their war attacks. I WILL start kicking people after this next war if they missed both attacks in this last war and miss both in the next one (Although I may show grace to longtime members who have attacked in past wars).

Double Offenders (used no attacks):
  1. skunkfunker
  2. shrek
  3. Peter
  4. ashdyn
  5. The Best
  6. Tookie
  7. [insert name I can't type here] 
  8. Kevin Lim
  9. [insert other name I can't type here] 
  10. The Kolk
  11. TheKing_Devil
Single Offenders (used 1 of 2 attacks):
  1. Fortebari
  2. B. A. Barracus
  3. Shwa
  4. ahmad
War Attack Advice:
Since I noticed we had a lot of botched raids, I made an attack guidelines page that should help. Take a look at it to help you improve your attack strategies.

1 comment:

  1. The attack guidelines page wasn't linked in the tab bar at first, but now it is.
