I have a lot of things to say about war attacks, so I decided to lump them into one post. There are a few unrelated sections, but all are important:
Regarding wasted war attacks:
I saw several violations of war rule #2 in the last war (and in this war so far), so let me make that more clear:
DO NOT attack with an incomplete army (such as a single troop) to make it look like you used your war attack without actually attacking. That is not only wasting your attack, that is being duplicitous and will result in an INSTANT BAN. That's right, if anyone does that in the future, they will be instabanned. If you don't want to use your attacks, be honest about it.
DO NOT attack a base that has already been 3-starred. That is a wasted attack and will be treated the same as an unused attack.
DO NOT attack as base that has already been 2-starred (or even 1-starred for that matter) if there is a target that hasn't been starred that you can defeat.
DO NOT attack a base much higher level than your army. Only make attacks that have a reasonable chance of succeeding. The point of the rules regarding attacks is to make sure everyone's helping us win the war, and attacking a high-level base with a weak army isn't helping.
Regarding failed war attacks:
A lot of our war attacks fail for one reason - the attacker doesn't deal with clan castle troops. Please, please, take a look at the attack guidelines. Be sure to carefully read the section on clan castle troops and always deal with them, I'd say 90% of our failed attacks came from that simple problem. Also, be sure to check out the strategy specific to your town hall level. In particular I see a lot of people using low-level balloons and/or goblins in war attack, neither of which are effective at all. I don't want to make a rule that requires people to follow the attack guidelines, but I'll have to if people continue to ignore them.
Regarding incomplete war attacks:
The following people didn't complete attacks in war 3:
2 incomplete attacks:
gh slim (3 total)
skunkfunker (6 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 4)
shrek (5 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 4)
GeorgeElmassih (2 total)
Fortebari (wasted) (3 total)
1 incomplete attack:
Tytan (1 total)
E174Ymk2 (1 total)
B. A. Barracus (2 total)
As noted, shrek and skunkfunker are in danger of being kicked if they don't complete attacks in the current war as they have carried out only 1 and 0 (respectively) attacks since the rules took effect. (skunk hasn't been kicked yet because he participated in past wars.
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