Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Update: War opt-in/opt-out, clan XP

With the new update, Supercell added the ability for clan leaders to choose which members of a clan to take to war and for members to select whether or not they wish to be included in wars. I will be reworking the clan structure a bit to take advantage of this new functionality, as well as to earn clan XP so we can get clan perks.

Here are some changes:
  1. I will no longer be kicking people for incomplete war attacks. However, if you do not wish to participate in a war, please set your status to opt-out, and if you fail to make war attacks I may leave you out of wars even if you are opted in.
  2. The clan is being changed back to "Anyone can join". This is because we can now have people in our clan without them participating in war and having more people participate in wars results in (slightly) more clan XP. If we get too many members (that is, if the clan gets too full), then we'll change to "invite only" again.
  3. When choosing who will participate in wars, I will attempt to exclude people who opt out and choose the members who have earned the most stars for the clan in previous wars. This means I will be excluding people both for not making attacks and for failing attacks. If you wish to remain in the clan war roster, make sure you keep earning stars for the clan. And don't worry if you aren't in a war and want to be, I'll be cycling out people who didn't earn any stars in war to give people who weren't in that war a chance to prove themselves.
  4. The rules page and clan description will be updated to reflect these changes.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Review of wars 7-9

We actually won two of the past three wars, which is good. We've finally dug ourselves out of our losing record. The good news is that if this keeps up, we'll be able to get war win bonuses to pay off our war attacks. The bad news is that to keep this up, we have to keep making war attack. :P

Regarding incomplete war attacks, I have decided to revamp the system for deciding when to kick people. The new system is that people will be kicked if they miss more than half of their attacks in a 5-war period. Since there are 10 attacks in a 5-war period, people will be kicked after missing 6 attacks during a 5-war period. This means that two people (JagMaster and GeorgeElmassih) are above the threshold for being kicked after war 9, but they won't be kicked unless they miss more attacks after the new system is in place.

Incomplete raids war 7:



Incomplete raids war 8:

Ternar Velda (Missed 2 attacks in past 4 wars)

Fortebari (Missed 3 attacks in past 4 wars)

Incomplete raids war 9:

JagMaster (Missed 6 attacks in past 4 wars) (Will be kicked if misses any attacks in war 10)
DastardlyDragon (Missed 4 attacks in past 4 wars) (Will be kicked if misses both attacks in war 10)
mario (Missed 3 attacks in past 4 wars)
lior123 (Missed 3 attacks in past 4 wars)

EditedSpoon100 (Missed 5 attacks in past 4 wars) (Will be kicked if misses any attacks in war 10)
E174Ymk2 (Missed 3 attacks in past 4 wars)
GeorgeElmassih (Missed 6 attacks in past 4 wars) (Will be kicked if misses any attacks in war 10)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Review of wars 4-6

Well, 3 wars since my last update, we've lost 3 more times. We've not only had a lot of incomplete attacks, but also a lot of attacks that were poorly executed and failed. If you find yourself losing a lot of war raids, take a look at the attack guidelines page. I may start counting attacks that fail due to obvious problems addressed by that page as wasted, such as DastardlyDragon's raid in this last war which because his army consisted of goblins (which should NEVER be used in war) and no way to deal with the clan castle troops except for one lone wizard.

Unused/wasted attacks war 4 (vs Kanodart):

gh slim (4 total)
Tytan (2 total)
Fortebari (4 total)
EditedSpoon100 (1 total)
GeorgeElmassih (3 total)
mario (3 total)

E174Ymk2 (3 total)

Unused/wasted attacks war 5 (vs beastmode):

Fortebari (5 total)
DastardlyDragon (2 total)
E174Ymk2 (4 total)

gh slim (6 total)
Tytan (4 total)
EditedSpoon100 (3 total)
GeorgeElmassih (5 total)

Unused/wasted attacks war 6 (vs taiwan farshing)

Fortebari (6 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 7)
E174Ymk2 (5 total)
Reaper (3 total)

gh slim (8 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 7)
Tytan (6 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 7)
EditedSpoon100 (3 total)
GeorgeElmassih (5 total)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Regarding War Attacks

I have a lot of things to say about war attacks, so I decided to lump them into one post. There are a few unrelated sections, but all are important:

Regarding wasted war attacks:

I saw several violations of war rule #2 in the last war (and in this war so far), so let me make that more clear:

DO NOT attack with an incomplete army (such as a single troop) to make it look like you used your war attack without actually attacking. That is not only wasting your attack, that is being duplicitous and will result in an INSTANT BAN. That's right, if anyone does that in the future, they will be instabanned. If you don't want to use your attacks, be honest about it.

DO NOT attack a base that has already been 3-starred. That is a wasted attack and will be treated the same as an unused attack.

DO NOT attack as base that has already been 2-starred (or even 1-starred for that matter) if there is a target that hasn't been starred that you can defeat.

DO NOT attack a base much higher level than your army. Only make attacks that have a reasonable chance of succeeding. The point of the rules regarding attacks is to make sure everyone's helping us win the war, and attacking a high-level base with a weak army isn't helping.

Regarding failed war attacks:

A lot of our war attacks fail for one reason - the attacker doesn't deal with clan castle troops. Please, please, take a look at the attack guidelines. Be sure to carefully read the section on clan castle troops and always deal with them, I'd say 90% of our failed attacks came from that simple problem. Also, be sure to check out the strategy specific to your town hall level. In particular I see a lot of people using low-level balloons and/or goblins in war attack, neither of which are effective at all. I don't want to make a rule that requires people to follow the attack guidelines, but I'll have to if people continue to ignore them.

Regarding incomplete war attacks:

The following people didn't complete attacks in war 3:

2 incomplete attacks:
gh slim (3 total)
skunkfunker (6 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 4)
shrek (5 total) (Will be kicked if inactive in war 4)
GeorgeElmassih (2 total)
Fortebari (wasted) (3 total)

1 incomplete attack:
Tytan (1 total)
E174Ymk2 (1 total)
B. A. Barracus (2 total)

As noted, shrek and skunkfunker are in danger of being kicked if they don't complete attacks in the current war as they have carried out only 1 and 0 (respectively) attacks since the rules took effect. (skunk hasn't been kicked yet because he participated in past wars.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rule Violations From War 2 (vs X-BOW)

Our second clan war with the new clan rules didn't go very well, primarily because we still had a lot of unused attacks. Luckily, our next war should go better simply because I kicked 9 people who were inactive in both of the past 2 wars.

Here are the unused attacks from people who are still in the clan (and the total over the last 2 wars):

2 unused attacks:
skunkfunker (4 total)
Reaper (2 total)
mario (2 total)
cozy (2 total)

1 unused attack:
gh slim (1 total)
DastardlyDragon (1 total)
B. A. Barracus (2 total)
shrek (3 total)

Also, I looked at all the war bases and took note of what should be changed in each. Take a look at the base guidelines page and look at the guidelines mentioned next to your name:

gh slim - war 3,4 gen 5,6
skunkfunker - war 2,3,4,5,6 gen 5,6
Andrew - war 3,5,6 gen 4
Tytan - war 4,5 gen 4
Fortebari - war 5 gen 4
DastardlyDragon - war 4,5 gen 6; also builders hut in corner
EditedSpoon100 - war 3
E174Ymk2 - war 3,5,6 gen 6
B. A. Barracus - war 3
shrek - war 4,5 gen 4
GeorgeElmassih - war 3,5 gen 6
brendan - war 2,3,6 gen 3,4,6
Tars Tarkas - war 2,5 gen 4
Diggy37 - gen 4
v.39 - war 3,5,6 gen 6
reaper - war 2,5,6 gen 4
mario -war 5,6 gen 4
cozy - war 2,4,5,6 gen 1,2,4,5

Also, I fixed the attack guidelines page (it wasn't linked from the tab bar at first) and I will be adding to it soon, so take a look at it if you need help with your war attacks.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rule Violations From the First War, Advice For Your Attacks

In the first war, we had quite a few rule violations:

Improper War Bases:
See the Base Guidelines page for things to correct about war bases. Well over half of the clan fell under this category. If this issues remain unaddressed for too long, I will start kicking the offenders, although I'll wait several more wars before I start kicking people for war base design.

  1. skunkfunker
  2. DroidFreak (forgot to change it from troll design. XD)
  3. Andrew
  4. Fortebari
  5. DastardlyDragon
  6. EditedSpoon100
  7. E174Ymk2
  8. Ptony TJ Rufus
  9. shrek
  10. GeorgeElmassih
  11. Peter
  12. brendan
  13. Shwa
  14. ashdyn
  15. v.39
  16. Reaper
  17. The Best
  18. Tookie
  19. [insert name I can't type here]
  20. mario
  21. Kevin Lim
  22. ahmad
  23. [insert other name I can't type here]
  24. The Kolk
  25. TheKing_Devil
Unused War Attacks:
The clan rules require all members to use their war attacks. I WILL start kicking people after this next war if they missed both attacks in this last war and miss both in the next one (Although I may show grace to longtime members who have attacked in past wars).

Double Offenders (used no attacks):
  1. skunkfunker
  2. shrek
  3. Peter
  4. ashdyn
  5. The Best
  6. Tookie
  7. [insert name I can't type here] 
  8. Kevin Lim
  9. [insert other name I can't type here] 
  10. The Kolk
  11. TheKing_Devil
Single Offenders (used 1 of 2 attacks):
  1. Fortebari
  2. B. A. Barracus
  3. Shwa
  4. ahmad
War Attack Advice:
Since I noticed we had a lot of botched raids, I made an attack guidelines page that should help. Take a look at it to help you improve your attack strategies.