Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Apocalypse (part 2)

 The second war with new policy went fairly well. We still had 6 people not participate and get kicked (compared to the 12 last time), but this time we actually had more failed attacks. Literally all of the people who failed attacks failed to deal with the clan castle troops. Always, always deal with clan castle troops. 8 people have received warnings for not following the attack guidelines:

Warning: Will be kicked if offense (listed) is repeated.
Tars Tarkas - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, used level 2 balloons
brebri - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, improper attack strategy (barbarian spam)
cozy - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, used level 2 balloons
canh sat pcccc - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, used goblins in war
MR.simple - Attacked 3-starred opponent (wasted attack), didn't deal with defenses
my love - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, improper attack strategy (archer spam vs 2 mortars), used single lightning spell on mortar, used level 1 balloons and wizards
Andrew - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, improper attack strategy (barbarian spam)
Ptony TJ Rufus - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, deployed healers before air defenses were down
mayur - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, used goblins in war

I don't have time to check if the base guidelines are being followed right now, so consider this war a freebee in that respect. However, I will be checking on them eventually, so be sure to read them and modify your base to fit them.

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Apocalypse

In keeping with the policy laid out in my last post, 12 people have been kicked for missing both attacks in the last war. 4 people missed one attack and will be given a warning this time, but if they miss an attack in the next war I will kick them:

Warning: Will be kicked if miss one attack in next war they participate in.
Tars Tarkas
King Grizzly

As for following the attack guidelines, the most blatant offenders will be given a warning and kicked if the same offense is repeated next war:

Warning: Will be kicked if offense (listed) is repeated.
DiamondMAN - Attacked base far above his level, improper attack strategy (wizard spam)
Getrekt - Failed to destroy exposed defenses or exposed town hall, improper attack strategy (barbarian spam)
tyler - Failed to destroy exposed defenses or exposed town hall, used goblins in war
skiben - Attacked 3-starred base (wasted attack)
King Grizzly - Failed to deal with clan castle troops, used goblins in war, used lvl 1 balloons

I decided not to check the base guidelines in this war since a lot of the people with offending bases got kicked already for being inactive, but I will probably check and give out warnings in the next war.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Change of Policy: Strict War Rule Enforcement

I'm sick and tired of people not using war attacks and not reading the guidelines page. Let's make this simple. You have two options:
  1. Set your clan war status to opt-out.
  2. Read and follow the clan war rules, war base guidelines, and attack guidelines.
If you do not opt out of war by the war after this next war (2.5 days from now) and fail to follow the rules, you will be kicked. If you fail to follow the base or attack guidelines, you will be given a warning (via a blog post mentioned by clan mail) and then kicked if you don't shape up.

I didn't want to have to go this far, but there are only about 3 or 4 people in the clan who actually follow the rules consistently, so I've been forced to enact strict punishments. If you do not want to be kicked, opt out or get serious about war and read my advice. I'm all for fun, but it's no fun when the vast majority of you suck at clan wars and won't read the advice I've posted on this blog that would make you suck less.

If you want to discuss this change, please do so in the comments of this blog post so your comment doesn't get lost in the clan chat.