Improper War Bases:
See the Base Guidelines page for things to correct about war bases. Well over half of the clan fell under this category. If this issues remain unaddressed for too long, I will start kicking the offenders, although I'll wait several more wars before I start kicking people for war base design.
- skunkfunker
- DroidFreak (forgot to change it from troll design. XD)
- Andrew
- Fortebari
- DastardlyDragon
- EditedSpoon100
- E174Ymk2
- Ptony TJ Rufus
- shrek
- GeorgeElmassih
- Peter
- brendan
- Shwa
- ashdyn
- v.39
- Reaper
- The Best
- Tookie
- [insert name I can't type here]
- mario
- Kevin Lim
- ahmad
- [insert other name I can't type here]
- The Kolk
- TheKing_Devil
The clan rules require all members to use their war attacks. I WILL start kicking people after this next war if they missed both attacks in this last war and miss both in the next one (Although I may show grace to longtime members who have attacked in past wars).
Double Offenders (used no attacks):
- skunkfunker
- shrek
- Peter
- ashdyn
- The Best
- Tookie
- [insert name I can't type here]
- Kevin Lim
- [insert other name I can't type here]
- The Kolk
- TheKing_Devil
- Fortebari
- B. A. Barracus
- Shwa
- ahmad
Since I noticed we had a lot of botched raids, I made an attack guidelines page that should help. Take a look at it to help you improve your attack strategies.
The attack guidelines page wasn't linked in the tab bar at first, but now it is.